Saturday, May 23, 2015

Agenda for Day 08, 05-25-15

Dear Roman Writers,

Our agenda for Monday involves still more touring of the Campus Martius, but also a trip to the outskirts of the city. Here's the breakdown.

We'll gather in the Common Room at 8:30 and make our way to the Pantheon at 9:00. We'll spend some quality time there, studying it as a Roman icon, and then head for a coffee break at Tazza d'Oro (one of the two best coffee bars in Rome).

From there we'll move to Piazza Navona, after a brief stop at San Luigi dei Francesi to see Caravaggio's St. Matthew series, and the Basilica of Sant'Agnese in Agone.

Following a lunch break we'll meet at the statue of Giordano Bruno at 2:00 p.m. (14:00) in the Campo de' Fiori before moving on to Termini Station and the fragments of the Servian Wall. From there it's off to the Porta Maggiore before ending at Basilica San Giovanni in Laterano.

In and around these delights we'll visit our last two Talking Statues of Rome.

We know this will be as long a day as we'll have in Rome. But it's all good stuff. We'll take breaks, and by the end of it, we'll have earned our day of rest.


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