Dear Writers of Rome,
Tomorrow's Pentecost Mass at the Pantheon begins at 10:30 a.m. It's a popular event, so if you plan to go, you should be there at least by 9:30, and make it clear that you mean to attend the mass (as opposed to simply being a tourist).
The mass will last about an hour and a half, and you'll very likely be standing for most of it. But when the petals drop at noon, you can say you've witnessed a singular Roman experience.
(If you miss it, you won't miss the Pantheon. We'll be back on day 08.)
In the afternoon, we'll convene at the top of the Spanish Steps at 1:00 p.m. (13:00), outside the church of Trinità dei Monti. After hearing about the Piazza di Spagna, we'll continue our tour of the Campus Martius, including the column of Marcus Aurelius, the Horologium of Augustus, the Area Sacra of the Largo Argentina, and (of course) more Talking Statues of Rome.
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