Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Benvenuti a Writing Rome!

Dear Roman Writers,

Welcome to the official launch of the Writing Rome blog. Despite all of the hoopla, you'll find it looks and feels exactly the same as the Reading Rome blog. (That's not a bad thing, actually.)

This means the URL for the blog is the same as it ever was:

While we're on the subject, the URL for the official course website is:

Currently the site contains a spare syllabus and the tentative (but likely) itinerary for our trip. As noted in class, we'll be adding to the website in the coming days, and we'll alert you to major updates and changes on the blog (and, hence, via your Skidmore email).

Do note that the website and the blog are interlinked: you can reach one from the other, and vice versa.

Finally, one new item on the blog is the blogroll, or list of your and your peers' blogs, on a long menu on the left side of the page. The index consists not of your first names, but of your initials (more or less). The motivator is a semblance of privacy, but it's a lot of fun to say, for example, "ATHoc" and "EASto." Try it at home!

Those of you who have yet to send us a URL, we've sent an email pestering you. Please set up a blog as soon as possible.



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